Men need support, Godly counsel, and hope today more than ever. The world tends to tell boys and men to hide their emotions, not to cry and act tough! They are taught that they're weak if they share their feelings. However, the Bible is filled with men who passionately sought-after God with their whole hearts, their minds and their souls. Men need to know there is a safe place to share life with one another and we at One80 want to create that space. No shame. No fear. No expectations, just a time of healing and growth as our men journey together. 


Proverbs 24:6 Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers.



Try to imagine a world without women. Well, it wouldn't last long and besides the miracle of childbirth, women bring a special strength and endurance to everyday living. We are reminded of powerful stories in the Bible about amazing women such as Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruth and more. These women were leaders, mothers, and faith filled forces that were spiritual guides and are still inspiring women today. At One80 we value the beauty of women and the role they play in bringing Kingdom to Earth through serving their families, churches and each other. We join together to offer encouragement, strength, and support as we navigate through life together. 

Proverbs 31:25 "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come."



What is community? We believe community is a group of people that share something in common. That connection can be in the form of family, friends, faith, location, experiences and/or stage of life. We believe to form a healthy community that thrives and enriches lives there must be a shared trust, respect, connection and caring for one another. At One80 we are intentional about creating space and events to bring people into community who otherwise may feel left out, unseen, or simply do not have a place of their own to connect on this level. We believe every human has an inward need to be connected to others and without community they can experience profound negative effects on their overall health. No-one should have to walk this journey alone and at One80 Ministries, you don't have too. Come, There's room at the table!

Romans 15:7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.

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